Monday, October 12, 2009

A sad day

This morning we found out that my daughter's friend lost her dad. He died early today. He went in for a gall badder issue on Friday and didn't recover.

Baby girl came home from school and started crying. She said, "What if that was my daddy?" She was sad for her friend and sad that her friend was going to have to move away.

She really wanted to talk and cuddle. She was sad that her friend wasn't going to ever get to see her daddy anymore.

I was a little surprised that the little girl came to school this morning. I am thinking her mom was overwhelmed with everything going on. The little girl didn't cry today in class so I am afraid she is holding it in or doesn't really understand that her dad isn't coming back.

The adults are all at a loss on how to help. It really makes morality real when one of our peers passes. He was only in his 50's. We have given our condolences and offered food and childcare.

Keep this family in your prayers. The little girl just turned 8 a week and a half ago.


Kristy said...

First Rebecca, thank you so much for your words , you just can't know how much they did for me tonight. You truly lifted my spirits, thank you for your love and support and yes I will do this. I have even heard thru someone else's blog that I can't remember right now of a company that prints and binds your entire blog....can you imagine???

Rebecca you are such a special and incredible mom, friend, and wife and it is an honor to call you friend.

And I am so sorry for this loss. My heart breaks for this little girl and Baby girl. Reality hurts. Just be there for this lady and her children that is all you can do and pray , pray, pray. I will certainly include them in my prayers tonight. This past wednesday morning I got a phone call at 5 am that my friend Ruth that I work with got up to use the restroom at 3:45 and found her husband dead on the bathroom floor. It was just heartbreaking and she knows I am here for her every minute of everyday and sometimes just knowing that is the best thing you can give them.

I hope tomorrow is a little better.

Love and blessings, Kristy

rosebud said...

Very sad. I was 10 when my father died and I had to go back to school the next day. It was not the best choice for me, but perhaps (and hopefully) it was the best choice for her. I'm hoping we can come up with a good gift from the PTA to help her always remember her friends in Texas.

Anonymous said...

We sometimes have children come to school the day after losing someone very close (parent or grandparent). Of course it's different with every child, but for some it's a good idea to be in a more "normal" setting when everything at the house is upside down. I'll pray for this family.
