Monday, May 12, 2008


Baby girl made my heart melt today. I had my Bible out and she wanted to look at the whole book. She wanted me to read all the books of the Bible to her. Then she wanted me to show her the gospels. Then she asked me to turn to Genesis 1:1 and she asked me to read. She wanted to just listen and soak up all the it said. She kept begging me to go on. I didn't have to ask her to listen or entice her. All of this came from her. She said, "Mommy I want you to read the whole thing." I told her that that would take too long to do all today, but we could read it every day.

She has always enjoyed reading her children's Bible. She has decided that she likes the adult Bible was more interesting.

I remembered that someone took this picture of her last summer.

1 comment:

Kristy said...

That is awesome!!!! There are so many bibles out there that are age appropriate and I know that she could find one that is perfect for her. Because I am sure she is too "big" for the "baby" bible!!! lol

I love Family Christian and since we both live in the same state I am sure you have one around the corner.

Love and blessings, Kristy