Sunday, December 23, 2007

Crazy day

My son locked my car, lost the keys and all the Christmas presents are in the back. We have searched the house in and out. I decided to do a grid search of the play room. Its clean but I wanted to check the groves and crevices. We have yet to find the keys.

While looking for the keys I found my original wedding ring! Its been lost for 2 years. It was in the VCR area. The VCR has been broken for a couple of years and we just don't mess with it. I am so excited. Now I have two beautiful rings. I will wear one on both hands!

Please pray we find my keys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even if you get Pop-a-Lock and get the presents out, you still need the keys! So I will pray they turn up. I'm so glad about your ring! Maybe as you search further you will find hubby's!

Great-grandma is doing a little better--enough that Petes is coming home today to work a few hours, have Christmas Eve at home, and then the three of us will go back on Christmas morning.
Merry Christmas Eve.
